Supporting individuals to remain in or return to work

Bespoke health and work pathways enabling functional restoration at work.

Our Vocational Rehabilitation Coaching™ blends health management together with return-to-work focus. Working To Wellbeing’s specialism is in applying health behaviour change techniques that are work centric. In addition to supporting employees, our clinicians are experienced in working with HR and line managers to help manage their teams with long-term conditions and symptom management.

Vocational Rehabilitation Coaching Programmes



Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Coaching Check-In is a programme which takes a proactive approach to employee health, enabling employees to remain at work and prevent future absence. Where an employee requires help, follow-up sessions can navigate them towards the appropriate support they need.

Check-In Features

Benefit navigation

Got health and wellbeing benefits available already? Check-in can advise you on the next best steps to take to ensure employees get the appropriate support.

Add-on support

Where benefits may not be available, W2W can provide add-on support by stepping up to our early intervention or rehabilitation services. Find out more about these services here.

Proactive approach

Referral for assessments can be made as part of an annual ‘check-in’. Alternatively, employees can self-referred or be referred by a manager where they feel support may be needed.

Concierge service

Check-in only provides the appropriate support and follow-ups when needed. No more overspending on a minimum agreed amount of support that may never be used.

Early Intervention


Our Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Coaching Early Intervention programmes are designed to support people to self-manage their symptoms and remain in work.

VR Coaching Early Intervention is an in-depth, work-focused clinical assessment for all employees, to help them stay well at work. The annual clinical assessment and work-focused coaching aims to support employees to work well for longer and limit future payroll losses.

Early Intervention features

Employer support

Where consent is given, W2W can liaise with employers regarding their employee’s support. This enables employers to better support their employee following W2W’s support.

Add-on support

Where benefits may not be available, W2W can provide add-on support by stepping up to our early intervention or rehabilitation services. Find out more about these services here.

Tailored support

Early intervention support isn’t a one-size fits all service. Support and recommendations are tailored to each individual’s circumstances based on an in-depth, work-focused clinical assessment.

Proactive support

Our Early Intervention Vocational Rehabilitation Coaching sessions, delivered by W2W’s specialist clinical health coaches, focus on enabling individuals to self-manage their symptoms.



Our Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Coaching Return to Work Support programme is tailored for different long-term health conditions to enable people to remain in or return to work. Each pathway is focused on supporting people who are absent from work through active management with a personal clinical health coach.

Rehabilitation features:

Bespoke pathways

We offer bespoke Health and Work pathways for many long-term health conditions such as cancer, chronic fatigue, respiratory conditions, chronic pain, stroke and mild to moderate mental health problems.

Specialist return to work support

Pathways are , delivered by our team of highly skilled clinicians, to help get people back to work, by blending health management together with return-to-work focus. W2W specialism is in applying health behaviour change techniques that are work centric.

Active management

Each pathway is focused on supporting people who are absent from work through active management with a personal clinical health coach.

Maintaining a working mindset

Throughout long-term health conditions, or injury, individuals can often feel at a distance from work and believe a return to work is not possible. Through Vocational Rehabilitation Coaching we aim to maintain individual’s working mindset, enabling a more effective return to work when the individual is ready.

Our Clinical Team

All of our services are led by a specialist, award-winning team of HCPC registered health professionals, e.g. occupational therapists, physiotherapists, psychologists and CBT therapists. All of our clinical team receive specialist training to enable them to deliver effective Vocational Rehabilitation Coaching programmes.

To find out more about our clinical team, visit our ‘about us’ page.

Want to find out more?

Visit our contact page to get in touch!

