Connect with your colleagues this Brew Monday
We’ve previously written about Blue Monday and how it has become a self-fulfilling prophecy for people who might have already felt a bit down to feel worse on that particular day in January. We’re welcoming The Samaritan’s positivity of their Brew Monday campaign with open arms. They’re encouraging everyone to reach out to people on this day.
Whether people are reaching out to friends, family or colleagues, we actively encourage the act of connecting.
The mental health charity Mind , states how connecting is a fundamental human need that contributes to functioning well in the world. We get positive benefits and good feelings from connecting with people around us. Connecting with others helps us to build a sense of belonging and self-worth. It can also provide us with emotional support and allow us to provide emotional support to others.
Did you know ‘connecting’ is one of the five ways to wellbeing? (An evidence-based public mental health message) aimed at improving the mental health and wellbeing of the whole population. The evidence suggests that you can look after your own mental wellbeing by taking these five steps:
Dr. Emma Seppala shares her evidence on the benefits that social connection has on increasing longevity, lowering rates of anxiety and how it generates a positive feedback loop of social, emotional and physical wellbeing. Therefore, people who are more socially connected to family, friends, or their community are happier, physically healthier, and live longer, with fewer mental health problems (Mental Health Foundation)
At Work:
· Have lunch with a colleague
· Pick up a phone instead of sending an email
· Speak to someone you haven’t spoken to before or don’t speak with that often
· Go for a walk and chat with a colleague, enjoy fresh air and nature
At Home:
· Join a group and connect with people who have a similar interest
· Invite others over for a meal – make it fun – Maybe try a themed night
· Volunteer in the community or at a local charity
· Connecting with yourself and having a quiet moment alone
Speaking from experience (and I’m sure I’m not alone when I say), I know I spend more time each week with my workmates than with my family and friends. Through shared experiences at work, people who started as colleagues are now some of my best friends.
That is why this campaign set out to help people feel more connected is so crucial at this time of year.
Registration for our Brew Monday webinar has now closed. We discussed the vital role of social support in the workplace and how we can all work to increase our support for each other and sometimes make friends for life. If you want to know more about this particular webinar subject or are interested in our other line manager or communication skills training, then please do contact us.
Ref 1: Working To Wellbeing. (2022). Move over Blue Monday. Welcome Brew Monday – Webinar. [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Jan. 2023].
Ref 2: Samaritans. (n.d.). Brew Monday. [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Jan. 2023].
Ref 3: MIND (2019). Five ways to wellbeing | Mind, the mental health charity – help for mental health problems. [online] Available at:
Ref 4: A report presented to the Foresight Project on communicating the evidence base for improving people’s well-being. (n.d.). [online] Available at:
Ref 5: (n.d.). Five Ways to Wellbeing – Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board. [online] Available at:
Ref 6: Seppala, E. (2014). Connectedness & Health: The Science of Social Connection – The Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education. [online] The Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education. Available at:
Ref 7: (n.d.). Relationships and community: statistics. [online] Available at:
Working To Wellbeing (W2W) provides consultancy and intervention for health and wellbeing at work. We provide wellbeing and rehabilitation services, supporting employees with physical health, mental health and long term conditions, the 3 key causes of presenteeism and absence. We join the dots between the physical and mental health issues that cause and perpetuate poor health. Our specialist clinicians are highly trained to provide a truly integrated service that results in health behaviour change and optimum work capability.